The animated film Frozen is about two sisters: Elsa, the oldest one and Ana, the youngest.
Elsa was about to become the queen of Arendel, and only for that day the doors of the city were open. That day Ana met a prince and they wanted to get married but Elsa, didn’t want this to happen. The sisters fell out with each other, and Anna decided to take Elsa's glove and steal her power.
If you like Disney’s movies, you will love this one. It’s got a meaningful message to teach, and it makes you think about the power of the love and family. We really enjoyed this movie, and we would watch it again a thousand times. We absolutely recommend it.
Casi Angeles is a TV programme for teenagers that was originally shown in Te Le Fe. The first episode was broadcasted on March, 21st in 2010. The show had 579 episodes and lasted 4 seasons.
Teen Angels tells the story of a group of teens who at the beginning are victims of a villain that makes them steal things. The teens' lives change when they meet Cielo, who helps them become better people and find their true talent through music. They all get together and make a band called Teen Angels.
Casi Angeles became famous all over the world, and their main characters went on tour sharing their music with their fans.
We recommend this programme because it was our favourite when we were younger, and you can still watch it online.
By Giuliana Cataldi, Martín Blufstein and Camila Ferrini.